Tuesday 8 March 2011

How do incoherences affect a game?

When we play a game, we are expected to abide by the rules. When we understand the rules of the game, we expect certain things to happen. For example, in pacman, when we eat fruits, we expect the ghosts to to move slower giving us the change to eat more yellow dots and gain points to the next level. But what happens when things happen in a game that we don't expect to happen? For example, when we are playing a racing game, if we crash our vehicle into the wall and the car doesn't get damaged or bounce back on us on the screen we will be surprised, and concept of cause and effect will be questioned.

Another example would be if, in an action game, a grappling rope will hold on to one thing, but not another. This will frustrate us as we have to find another means to navigating around the space that we have been given. Other times,there may be glitches or bugs in a game that prevent us from experiencing the game in its best quality.

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